Brianna Bernard Before and After Photo

TOP 8 TIPS FOR WEIGHT-LOSS “How I lost over 100 lbs in less than a year” Staylight was built on the foundation that a healthy lifestyle happens both in and outside of the gym. Our CEO, Cory Svihla (@corysvihla), recently met with Brianna Bernard (@briannabernardfitness), a fitness expert & wellness blogger from Minneapolis, to discuss how she…

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You Diet, But the Weight Keeps Coming Back. Why?

Diets are not sustainable. It is nearly undisputed and uncontroversial that diets COULD show short term success, but NO DIET can show long-term statistics that support sustainability for the vast majority of any population. This is consistent across the board for any properly educated professional, even those who support any one of the diets. If…

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My Path, The Challenges, Our Vision

After graduating from Bethel University in 2011, I started my journey in the health and wellness industry at Life Time Fitness out of Eden Prairie, MN, where my time was spent as a personal trainer. As a life-long athlete with aspirations of playing in the NFL, I expected my personal training business to be focused…

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Your Holiday Recovery Plan

The holidays have come and gone, and you are left to deal with the aftermath of all that less-than-healthy eating… Your body is puffy and bloated. Your joints are achy. Your clothes feel tight.   Maybe you are feeling this way right now. Below we’ve outlined the 5 steps you’ll need to quickly and seamlessly…

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Holiday Fitness Hacks

It’s holiday gain season, a time when nearly everyone packs on a few pounds. Rather than joining the masses and loosening your belt another notch, use these 5 Holiday Fat Loss Hacks and avoid putting on a single pound. These hacks could even result in a few pounds lost before New Year’s…   Holiday Fat…

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9 New Rules to Lean Eating

A good eating plan works for you – it gets you the results that you want without lots of complicated steps. The good news is that lean eating does not mean complicated eating…it just means eating smart. Read on for the new rules of lean eating that will make fat loss second nature. And don’t…

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Your Holiday Survival Guide

It’s here – whether you’re ready or not. Just look at the seasonal shelves in your favorite store. Retailers like to call it ‘holiday season’ but let’s be more accurate. Weight Gain season begins now and runs straight through New Year’s. The next two months will bring ample opportunity for you to expand your waistline.…

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Get Your Cravings Under Control

Growl… Once again your stomach is screaming, begging for food. You’re trying to lose weight but feel it’s a losing battle because you’re hungry all the time. Since beginning your diet, your appetite seems bigger than ever.  Saying no to food is so hard when your stomach and mind are saying yes. For most, not…

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7 Ways to Reduce Body Fat

Today we have 7 simple and effective ways for you to shed that unwanted body fat. While fat loss can be quite frustrating, these 7 strategies are proven to help you slim down fast. 1. Drink a Gallon of Water Water is always a crucial element for proper bodily functions, and even more so when…

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